Friday, May 30, 2008

Neat and Clean

Um could this story be any better?

Japanese woman caught living in man's closet


Associated Press Writer Fri May 30, 3:21 PM ET

TOKYO - A homeless woman who sneaked into a man's house and lived undetected in his closet for a year was arrested in Japan after he became suspicious when food mysteriously began disappearing.

Police found the 58-year-old woman Thursday hiding in the top compartment of the man's closet and arrested her for trespassing, police spokesman Hiroki Itakura from southern Kasuya town said Friday.

The resident of the home installed security cameras that transmitted images to his mobile phone after becoming puzzled by food disappearing from his kitchen over the past several months.

One of the cameras captured someone moving inside his home Thursday after he had left, and he called police believing it was a burglar. However, when they arrived they found the door locked and all windows closed.

"We searched the house ... checking everywhere someone could possibly hide," Itakura said. "When we slid open the shelf closet, there she was, nervously curled up on her side."

The woman told police she had no place to live and first sneaked into the man's house about a year ago when he left it unlocked.

She had moved a mattress into the small closet space and even took showers, Itakura said, calling the woman "neat and clean."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturation; Evapiration

How many have felt trapped in that spot that drives them to achieve but never release themselves to move beyond that desire. Today has once again been an uneventful "relaxing" day at the family ranch in Alpine yet I feel anxious. I am almost twenty-five and wonder will I achieve anything of merit. I am not naive enough to suppose I am the first to have these desires of grandeur. Yet I look around and see people living life and pursuing goals. I see teenagers competing before nations and wonder if that is success and why can't I have that. However, then I feel ashamed because I have let "reality" TV inform me on how I should feel about my life. Then I start to wonder when did I stop living and let TV live for me. I knew I had to get outside into "the world." But then again, it was only practical, I had empty containers to throw away. I stepped outside and heard bees and wondered if I'd be tested and asked if everything tasted the same. Above me were trees being pollinated by the cheapest landscaping crew I know and if it hadn't been for I.C.E. maybe more of them would have stayed around last year. Just in front of me stands the bulk of my two years of work in the form of a black M3. It's dirty just as I'll probably always let it be. I step in front of it and gap the lid from the trash can. In you go McDonald's, Wendy's, and Costco. Your convenience was formidable but your useless leftovers must decompose. Stream, Stream, give said my conscience to me because I'm stuck in between fear and achievement, life and death, saturation and evapiration. Then when my thoughts get away from me I often notice beyond the storm something calm and clean. A cloud contracts and releases changes states into what it once was and what it will become. white, opaque, blue, success, failure, shame. When we stand out we our destined to become the same.
-this is an experiment don't be weirded out. I kind of just let my thoughts go.

Monday, May 05, 2008

you're a mean one.....

My new face book profile shot is offending everyone. I guess it could be that the picture is of a man that imprisoned his daughter and fathered children through her. To each his own. Yet this man has inspired me to make my first photo bucket slide show because he looks like a celebrity that is celebrated once a year.